
Simple & Sustainable energy solutions



There are so many different possibilities and opportunities within the energy landscape making it difficult to decide. After years of experience in the energy sector, within academics as well as the industry, we know really well what is going on in the sector. Apart from that we also have an enormous network of interesting contacts, not only in Belgium, but all over Europe, and in academics as well as in the industry. Combine this experience with our knowledge of the different funding possibilities and you have found your perfect partner in supporting you in energy related innovations, technologies and technological developments.


We have yearlong experience in setting up project proposals, both on a national level (IWT, Agentschap ondernemen, FWO) as on a European level (FP7, H2020, R4SME) and we have a succes rate of 85%.


You have an idea for a project proposal and you do not know how to continue?


You are interested in entering a project consortium and want to know more about this? Then we are your perfect partner!





+32 497 66 71 68